Benefits of Nembutsu in this life

念 佛 的 殊 勝

Saying The Buddha’s Name (Namo Amida Butsu, 南 无 阿 彌 陀 佛) is the Great Practice contained in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow, His Promise to save all suffering beings. It is the Right Act, and Infinite virtue directed to us by the Buddha for our going forth to The Pure Land. The Nembutsu, had been selected by Amida Buddha and given to all ordinary foolish persons (凡 夫 – bombu), like ourselves, as an Easy Path to Enlightenment. It is a practical channel by which our minds can be effectively tuned to, so that we can accept the infinite virtues, given to us, for our assured birth in Sukhavati, the Land of Peace and Happiness.

As the Nembutsu (念 佛) comes from Amida Buddha’s Vow-mind, it breaks through the ignorance of all sentient beings and fulfils all their aspirations. It actualizes the Buddha’s compassionate practice of benefiting miserable beings like us. Therefore, Saying Amida Buddha’s Name, is definitely not our practice or good act, that we perform, in our endless struggle, to attain enlightenment, through our own self-power effort.

The Great Compassion of Amida Buddha is inconceivable, and the merits that He transfers to us through the Nembutsu, are also inconceivable. He constantly protects those who recite His Name, day and night, blessing them with safety and peace, as well as protecting them from harm.

Persons who say the Buddha’s Name, no matter whether they believe in it or not, always create an affinity with Amida Buddha, that would enable them to fully entrust in The Primal Vow in the future. Moreover, unseen powers, heavenly beings and powerful spirits, revere and constantly protect persons of Nembutsu, day and night.


Let us continue to listen deeply to this article – Chapter 20 – Benefits of Nembutsu in this life – presented in the 10 minutes YouTube video above…

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Namo Amida Butsu   南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛
Namo Amida Butsu   南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛
Namo Amida Butsu   南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛